Participating in the Bleak House Readalong

The Bleak House Readalong
The Bleak House Readalong

Hosted by Amanda of The Zen Leaf, this is exactly the kick in the butt that I needed to go beyond Nabokov’s excellent foreword of this massive chunkster of a book penned by Charles Dickens.

I don’t know why I have been strangely reluctant to start on this book. Somehow, this book intimidates me more than The Brothers Karamazov that I read and enjoyed three months ago.

Is it the size of the book? Is it the bleakness of the title? Is it because the concept of a never-ending lawsuit (a major plot-point in this book) seems interminably dull? No, shamefully, I think the reason for my reluctance in picking up this book, is that it is not going to add much to the tally of books that I read this year.

I could read this one book, or I could read and review 6 books within the same timeframe…and the knowledge that this is what is preventing me from picking up this book is just making me feel so ashamed :(.

What happened to the girl who read just for the love of reading, and not for blogging alone? Through this readalong, I hope to discover that girl again, and also hopefully enjoy a lovely, leisurely read in the process.

So, coming up on my blog will be a lot of posts – but not necessarily related to books as such. I will be frequently updating regarding my progress on this book, but not much else on the reading front.

I hope you are interested enough to cheer me along on this venture and hopefully not too bored with my ramblings on Dickens. I may also be able to squeeze in some lighter books along the way…who knows?

Of course, if you are really interested, you could choose to participate in the readalong as well. Just check in with Amanda.

Wish me luck or rather determination 😊.

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  1. says: Jessica

    I wish you determination! I think we’ll all need it. This book has been intimidating me for several years. It’s time we showed it who’s boss.

  2. says: Meghan

    Oh, I’m glad you’re joining too! This looks to be a fun read-a-long, I hope the book warrants our dedication. It’s been a long time since I read anything by Dickens.

    1. says: Nish

      @Meghan: I am sure it will be worthwhile, I expect it to be slow going though. But that’s the best part of a read along, we can all egg each other on through the slow parts.