The Long and Short of High Heels

For most of my adult life I have been a high heels person. Tight jeans, cute top, and high pumps were always my go-to look for when I needed to look smart.

All that changed when the snubnose entered my life. I spent all of my pregnancy in comfortable, sensible flats, and have continued doing so afterwards. After all you look pretty stupid running after a toddler in high heels ;).

But whenever I look through old photos, I can’t help but sigh in envy and wonder if my glory days of rocking heels were over. It does seem like it because I have had to pretty much throw out my existing heels because after the snubnose; my feet had inexplicably expanded, and my arches had dropped after having a baby. Btw, is this common after having a child?

Anyway, when I visited US last month I was just too tempted by the variety of high heels available in the stores. I eventually in a moment of spring madness succumbed to these awesome shoes on sale (only after checking with someone who has them whether they are really comfortable enough :)).

Awesome Dawsome :)
Awesome Dawsome?

These shoes fit amazingly well, and almost magically reduce the size of my feet…something I have always felt conscious about. But, my poor feet alas are still struggling to get used to the height of the heels. I wore them for about a couple of hours, and when I removed them, I could really tell that my calves and toes had had a rough time of it.

Anyway, fear not that these shoes are a wasted effort. I went online and found all these helpful links that explain how you can slowly start to ease yourself into high heels.

I am definitely going to keep trying. I mean, at the end of the day these are only wedges. How difficult can it be?

Wish me luck, y’all 🙂

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  1. says: Vaishnavi

    Confession: I am scared of high heels. There are only so many times that I can get so lucky as to NOT fall. I have always been more of a sneakers, comfy faded jeans football jersey kinda girl 🙂 I do own some amazing high heeled shoes that I bought out of temptation but seldom have the guts to wear them 🙁 And then I see my beat up Nikes by the door and I am sold. EVERY TIME :-p

  2. says: Surbhi


    For few it might be the first email for the show…

    Friends, here we are coming nearer to the Delhi blog-a-ton meet decided for 4th of July and you are cordially invited for the same. The venue is Connaught Place. It will either be CCD or Barista; the same we shall communicate few days before the day.

    Kindly confirm your coming by dropping in a mail with your number.

    Surbhi Jain

  3. Pingback: Don’t imitate pregnant celebs | Golfing Tips
  4. says: Jenny

    I prefer high heels myself – I came to them late after insisting all through high school that they were Tools of The Man. But I loooove my heels now and would far rather be wearing heels than flats (I like to be tall!)

    1. says: Nish

      @Jenny: I have gone through phases of high heels, flats, and now I want high heels again. Doesn’t help being a flats kind of gal when there are so many wonderful heel options to choose from 🙂

  5. Ooh, awesome shoes, good luck with them!! I wouldnt wear them shopping though if they’re even the slightest bit uncomfortable. Been there, and had a pair of raw, red, achy feet for days.

  6. says: Kat

    Hah, this post is exactly about what was going through my head today. I was out with my 9 month old and thinking about the dress I bought for vacation. I know it would look nice with some heels, but heels and running after the crawling baby? Sounds a bit treacherous.

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  8. says: Meghan

    I’m quite short and I definitely prefer heels, but I can’t imagine running after a child in them! Good luck conquering them again. 😀

    1. says: Nish

      @Meghan: Oh, no, I wouldn’t run after my daughter in these! I am mainly thinking of dinners/meet ups with friends/shopping kind of activities 🙂

  9. says: pujathakur

    WoW.. These shoes look just awesome!!

    I don’t wear heels as often as I used to … mainly because I am more conscious of backache now… But I still try to wear them whenever I go out (which is not so frequent these days) and love to have finally conquered the disadvantages of being of not so great height!

  10. Pingback: 6 Inch Heels - The Long and Short of High Heels « Nishita's Rants and Raves