Quentins – A Book Rant

What would you get if you collect all your random scribbles, lather them with pots of treacle (or, for us Indians, jaggery), stick all the pages together, and then hang them out to dry? Something similar to this book, I guess. Some reviews describe this book as “heartwarming.” I prefer a more powerful word; how about nauseatingly sweet?

Quentins by Maeve Binchy

OK, you get that I was not fond of this book much. Not that this is a terrible book, but it did not appeal to my sensibilities, and I’ll explain why in a little more detail after the brief synopsis of this book.


Ella Brady is a young girl recovering from a traumatic affair with a married man that ends rather badly. To distract herself from her misery and earn some extra money, she and her friends decide to make a documentary film about a popular restaurant in Dublin called Quentins. The film’s focus is to be stories about the owners and employees who run the restaurant and the people who eat there. The aim is to depict a new, thriving Dublin and remove stereotyped impressions of the Irish people.

My Review

How disappointing then that this book reinforces all the stereotypes and more!

The more I read this book, the more I felt that Dublin is almost like a small town in an earlier era. What a shock to find the year of publication was 2002! Indeed, Dublin is a thriving global city by now!! I could not swallow such random co-incidences about people finding long-lost relatives in Dublin pubs.

Tons more plot aspects did not sit well with me:

  • How about the fact that the heroine Ella Brady, must be the daftest girl I have ever read about? She enters into an affair with a married man, completely believing his proclamations that he has an “understanding” wife and that they have an “open” marriage. He mentions this to her; she then puts her hand on his and says, “I believe you.” Arggh! I was slapping my hand against my head…girl, if you do want to have an affair with a married man, at least be smart about it. I wanted to give her a bunch of Cosmopolitan mags and drill sense into her head. She then continues believing and hoping in him even when he has shown himself to be a cad several times over.
  • How about the fact that the only gay character in the novel dies of AIDS? I thought this hoary old stereotype that only homosexuals get AIDS died in the last century.
  • Or the fact that the title character Quentin who owns the restaurant and is easily one of the more interesting characters, is not developed at all. Suddenly, he decides to travel and exits the book only to make a small, unsatisfactory guest appearance somewhere close to the end.
  • Or that this book requires a certain amount of suspension of belief? Would you believe in a story where a waiter working in a restaurant is kind to a shabbily dressed customer who is a millionaire? The millionaire buys the restaurant and hands it over to the little boy. I read this section open-mouthed with shock and disbelief :).
  • Ella’s second romance with a man who has an “open, honest, square” face has zero chemistry and just screamed rebound to me.
Nice, open, square, honest face

You must be wondering why I completed reading the book if it was so bad. Well, the reason is it’s not that bad to read. It starts well, and the concept is promising. The pacing is good, and it’s easy reading, so you can quickly skip over the uninteresting bits. There are also some excellent vignettes about the people who eat at the restaurant. However, the main characters are pretty much cardboard cutouts, which affects the book’s quality. The book’s ending is also a bit too rushed, and she makes sure that all the loose ends are neatly tied up (something I felt that was unnecessary when there is such an ensemble cast of characters).

I should also say that I am not against sweet, sentimental novels. I have enjoyed previous novels written by Maeve Binchy – Tara Road and Scarlet Feather, to name a couple. And these books were excellent stories where the number of characters was less, and she had the space to develop them over several pages.

Quentins, on the other hand, seems like an ambitious mish-mash of ideas put together without too much effort.


I just reread this post and wondered whether I am being too harsh here. I almost decided not to publish it and then thought, hell! this is my blog, and if I don’t like something, I am entitled to say so.

What do you think? Have you read this book? Do you think I am being too harsh?

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  1. Pingback: 3exactitude
  2. I like Binchy’s books but I agree that they can be very trite at times and seem simplistic. I never approach her books expecting something deep. I guess because I manage my expectations it doesn’t bother me as much. Good for you for writing an honest review!

  3. says: Vaishnavi

    Hey Nishita! Fab review, completely honest ๐Ÿ™‚ I loved the cosmopolitan magazines comment and as for the busboy and the millionaire…..I WISH!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I have never read Maeve Binchy but I think I will steer clear of this one. I am thinking the genre is chick lit? Very rarely do I get to read good chick lit books but you should try Catherine Alliot and Santa Montefiore ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for stopping by my space ๐Ÿ™‚ I love your blog ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. says: Meghan

    I doubt you’re being too harsh! I have read a couple of Maeve Binchy’s books and while I enjoyed them, I could easily see her sliding in the direction you’ve depicted here. I’ve also noticed that most books set in Ireland (that I’ve read) seem to have that small-town feel even when set in big cities.

  5. Lol at your spongebob character!! I dont think you are being harsh, I read Quentins a while ago (I have a bad memory so while I dont remember exactly I do know I wasnt happy with it), after that The Glass Lake and quit reading Binchy altogether. The reason is that with a writer like Binchy, while she’s very good at what she does she has a certain formula and it seemed like I was reading the same book, or atleast the same characters over and over again. Even I’ve loved a lot of her books in the past, Circle of Friends being the favorite, but I know my tastes have evolved and Binchy’s books just dont capture me anymore …

  6. Pingback: Quentins โ€“ A Book Rant ยซ Nishita's Rants and Raves « Dublin hot news and trend
  7. says: Shweta

    You know what Nishita ,hats off to you for saying what you felt. If it was nauseating then it was. No need of sugar coating it. If it’s not good then it’s not. I am sure the author has some good books but this one didn’t meet your standards and you can say that..

    You weren’t harsh you were honest and it’s your space ๐Ÿ™‚

    Btw loved the ‘wanted to give her a bunch of Cosmopolitan mags and just drill sense into her head’ line. Simply superb.