Teaser Tuesdays

I started this book last week and it’s a lovely, leisurely read. The writing is beautiful, and I can understand why it made into…

- Teaser Tuesdays – The Garden of Evening Mists

This has been a slower read than I expected. Not in a bad way, but just that I am taking my time with it….

- Teaser Tuesdays – Another Teaser from Gone Girl

When I think of my wife, I always think of her head. The shape of it, to begin with. The very first time I…

- Teaser Tuesdays – Gone Girl

I think this book might be too smart for me, or may be I am not smart enough for this book. Anyway, here’s a…

- Teaser Tuesdays – Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World

I started reading this book over the weekend, and I absolutely love it so far. It’s full of some really beautiful writing, but here…

- Teaser Tuesdays – One Hundred Years of Solitude

I felt, that night, on that stage, under that skull, incredibly close to everything in the universe, but also extremely alone. I wondered, for…

- Teaser Tuesdays – Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

‘My job is to cure people, to cure them at the worst of times. I don’t decide when someone is going to die. He…

- Teaser Tuesdays – Our Lady of Alice Bhatti

They were all dead now. Jory, old Ser Rodrik, Lord Eddard, Harwin and Hullen, Cayn and Desmond and Fat Tom, Alyn with his dreams…

- Teaser Tuesdays – A Dance with Dragons

A classic,’ suggested Anthony, ‘is a successful book that has survived the reaction of the next period or generation. Then it’s safe, like a…

- Teaser Tuesdays – The Beautiful and Damned

I just so love this quote from the book. I bookmarked it so I can share with you all. And the book? So far,…

- Teaser Tuesdays: The Enchantress of Florence