
Recipes for dishes that fight pain

Three Recipes for Making Dishes that Fight Pain


Painkillers and recipes are usually not two words that we use in the same sentence, but today we are going to do exactly that. The following three recipes have been proven to be effective in fighting pain and unless you know the recipe of how to make morphine at home, these could come in very handy.

A mix of tomatoes, spinach, feta, and olives in one appetizing bowl

Top Tips for Success This Veganuary


Whilst some vegans feel that the idea of Veganuary encourages people to go vegan for only a month, there are many people who carried on with their new vegan lifestyle long after January came to an end. Since many people go vegan as a New Year’s resolution, vegan organizations have taken notice and are providing extra help and support at the beginning of the year. If you’re planning on giving veganism a go this January, read on for some top tips to help you make it a success.

Healthy eating

Five Common Foods That Can Worsen Your Tinnitus


Tinnitus is a constant ringing noise in ears and people who have tinnitus know how difficult it is to control and minimize its effects. Unlike other disorders, tinnitus never truly goes away and the symptoms vary from person to person. There are many ways to control tinnitus but most people agree that what we eat affects the severity of this nuisance and by removing certain foods from our diet; we can actually reduce and control tinnitus to a great extent. Your doctor must have already told you about the importance of a good diet if you are suffering from tinnitus but if you are not aware then don’t worry because we are here to help you out.