Losing loved ones

Decoding infertility in men and women

Lifestyles of this centuries men and women is not as it used to be a few decades ago. Today stress, hectic and unhealthy that’s what our lifestyles have reduced to. Added to that is ambitious women having late marriage leading to late pregnancy. No wonder we see that there is a steep rise in the number of cases of infertility amongst today’s couples.

Tips for Coping with Stressful Life Events

With the modern world’s constant state of activity, many may find it difficult to take a break from work and home responsibilities. Feelings of stress can affect everyone differently and are usually intensified when facing big changes or in times of uncertainty.

Although stress has its benefits, such as enabling us to hit deadlines when under moderate pressure at work, periods of prolonged high stress can have adverse effects. It is important to find ways to effectively manage stress and take care of your body under such situations.

Whether you are worried because of exams, anxious about moving houses or issues within your relationship, here are five ways you can take control and perhaps help put your best self forward to tackle stressful situations.

Swimming is a fantastic summer exercise

Simple ways to prep for summer

Summer is just around the corner, and everyone is looking for quick and simple ways of preparing for probably the best season. Although there are people out there who like to prepare six months in advance, not everyone has that much time on their hands. During summer the weather tends to get warmer, and there are more events that take place outdoors. Weddings, picnics or walks at the beach are some of the most common summer occurrences. If you want to feel and look great, you need a bit of preparation.

If you’re planning to go on vacation, it might be a good idea to start working on your summer body. After all, you want to look incredible when you’re enjoying a cocktail by the pool. Moreover, you want to prepare your hair, so it doesn’t get deteriorated by the summer sun. Last but not least, for glowing smooth skin, you need to get into a fun routine. Check out these tips to see how.