Understanding Frozen Evaporator Coils: Causes and Solution

Is your air conditioning system not cooling as it should? The culprit might be frozen evaporator coils. For many homeowners, frozen coils can be a confusing and frustrating issue. This blog post will demystify the causes of frozen evaporator coils and provide practical solutions to prevent and resolve this common problem. By understanding how your air conditioning system works, you can maintain a cool and comfortable home without unexpected breakdowns.

What Are Evaporator Coils?

Evaporator coils are an essential component of your air conditioning system. Located inside the air handler or attached to the furnace, these coils play a crucial role in the cooling process. When warm air from your home passes over the coils, the refrigerant inside absorbs the heat, cooling the air before it’s circulated back into your living space.

Why Do Evaporator Coils Freeze?

Freezing coils are indicative of a malfunction within your air conditioning system. Several factors can contribute to this issue, each requiring a different approach for resolution. Understanding these causes is the first step toward effective troubleshooting.

Inadequate Airflow

One common cause of frozen evaporator coils is inadequate airflow. When air cannot circulate properly over the coils, the refrigerant inside the system stays too cold, leading to freezing. This can result from clogged air filters, blocked vents, or malfunctioning fans.

Clogged Air Filters

Air filters prevent dust and debris from entering your HVAC system. However, when they become clogged, they restrict airflow. Regularly replacing or cleaning your air filters can help maintain proper airflow and prevent freezing.

Blocked Vents

Furniture, drapes, or other obstructions blocking air vents can also reduce airflow. Ensure all vents are clear and unobstructed to promote efficient airflow throughout your home.

Malfunctioning Fans

The fans in your HVAC system circulate air over the evaporator coils. If a fan isn’t working correctly, it can lead to reduced airflow and, subsequently, frozen coils. Regular maintenance can help identify and fix fan issues before they cause significant problems.

Low Refrigerant Levels

Another frequent cause of frozen evaporator coils is low refrigerant levels. When the refrigerant level is too low, the pressure drops, causing the temperature to fall below freezing. This can lead to moisture on the coils turning into ice.

Detecting Refrigerant Leaks

Low refrigerant levels are often due to leaks within the system. A professional HVAC technician can use specialized tools to detect and repair any leaks, ensuring your system operates at optimal levels.

Preventing Future Leaks

Regular maintenance checks can help prevent future refrigerant leaks. Scheduling annual inspections with a qualified technician can identify potential issues before they lead to significant problems.

Thermostat Issues

Your thermostat controls the temperature settings for your air conditioning system. When it malfunctions, it can cause the system to run excessively, leading to frozen coils.

Incorrect Settings

Ensure your thermostat is set to the correct temperature. Setting it too low can cause the system to overwork, leading to freezing issues. Aim for a moderate temperature that keeps your home comfortable without straining the system.

Faulty Thermostat

A faulty thermostat can misread the indoor temperature, causing the system to run longer than necessary. If you suspect your thermostat isn’t working correctly, consider replacing it with a programmable or smart thermostat for more accurate control.

Dirty Evaporator Coils

Over time, dirt and debris can accumulate on the evaporator coils, insulating them and reducing their ability to absorb heat. This can lead to freezing as the coils struggle to maintain proper temperatures.

Cleaning Coils

Regularly cleaning the evaporator coils can prevent dirt buildup. While some homeowners may feel comfortable doing this themselves, it’s often best to hire a professional to ensure the job is done thoroughly and safely.

Professional Maintenance

Incorporating professional maintenance into your HVAC routine can extend the life of your system and improve its efficiency. Technicians can clean the coils, check for damage, and ensure all components are working correctly.

Improperly Sized System

An improperly sized air conditioning system can cause various issues, including frozen evaporator coils. If the system is too large or too small for your home, it may not operate efficiently, leading to freezing problems.

Assessing System Size

A qualified HVAC technician can assess your home’s cooling needs and determine if your current system is appropriately sized. If necessary, they can recommend a more suitable unit to ensure efficient operation.

Upgrading Your System

If your current system is outdated or improperly sized, upgrading to a new, energy-efficient model can prevent freezing issues and improve overall performance. Look for systems with high SEER ratings for optimal efficiency.

The Role of Humidity

High humidity levels can also contribute to frozen evaporator coils. Excess moisture in the air can accumulate on the coils, leading to ice formation. Maintaining proper indoor humidity levels is crucial for preventing this issue.

Using a Dehumidifier

Using a dehumidifier can help control indoor humidity levels, reducing the risk of frozen coils. Standalone units or integrated systems can effectively manage moisture levels in your home.

Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance, including checking and cleaning the coils, can help manage humidity levels. An HVAC professional can assess your system’s performance and recommend solutions for maintaining optimal humidity.


Frozen evaporator coils can be a perplexing issue, but understanding the causes and solutions can help you maintain a reliable and efficient air conditioning system. By addressing airflow issues, managing refrigerant levels, and keeping your system clean, you can prevent freezing problems and enjoy a comfortable home year-round.

If you’re experiencing issues with your air conditioning in Tempe or need professional assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to a qualified HVAC technician. Regular maintenance and timely repairs can keep your system running smoothly and prevent unexpected breakdowns.

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