Unraveling Obsession: The Perfect Girlfriend

Overall rating

5 Story
7.5 Writing
9 Setting
7.5 Suspense
5.5 Pacing
7 Ending

This was the first book I started in 2024. It was supposed to be a short and easy read that would kickstart my 2024 reading goals of 35 books a year. Instead, this one turned out to be a complete slog, giving me the most massive reading slump I have had in the longest time.

I finally finished this book last month, and I have to say it wasn’t worth the brain cells I put in trying to figure out the plot.

About The Perfect Girlfriend

The Perfect Girlfriend by Karen Hamilton
The Perfect Girlfriend by Karen Hamilton

Juliette loves Nate.

She will follow him anywhere. She’s even become a flight attendant for his airline to keep a closer eye on him.

They are meant to be.

The fact that Nate broke up with her six months ago means nothing. Because Juliette has a plan to win him back.

She is the perfect girlfriend. And she’ll ensure no one stops her from getting exactly what she wants.

True love hurts, but Juliette knows it’s worth all the pain.

~ Synopsis from GoodReads

My Review

The best thing about this book is the setting. I loved the whole flight attendant shtick. I had no idea the career was so glamorous. The writer is a former flight attendant, so I assume she’s got the details correct.

But the rest of the book was just meh. The main character, Juliette, is a nightmare. She’s had a lot of childhood trauma that makes her cling to Nate even if he isn’t interested in her. She manipulates him and his sister (who she is also bizarrely obsessed with) in multiple ways throughout the book, which is both disturbing and banal at the same time. The author doesn’t miss a chance to overexplain every single example of stalking. At first, it was interesting, just because it was so over-the-top. But it got exhausting and boring after a point.

I kept reading on, hoping that the story would pick up later or that there would be some payoff for the blah parts. Unfortunately, no, the book moves to a limp, non-ending.


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