Benefits of Swapping Cigarettes for a Vape

Smoking is a nasty habit to try and give up. Many smokers wish that they had never started. Not only is smoking seriously dangerous for your health, increasing your risk of diseases like cancer and heart disease, but it also leaves everything smelling of smoke, stains your teeth, dries out your skin, and absolutely drains your bank account.

Thanks to the invention of electronic cigarettes, there’s a healthier alternative that you can do instead. While electronic cigarettes still contain nicotine, they don’t have any tar, carbon monoxide, and other carcinogens, which has led researchers to conclude that they are a huge 97% safer than smoking. Here are some good reasons to consider switching to vaping.

Improve Your Health without Withdrawal Symptoms

If you have ever tried to go cold turkey from cigarettes, you will know how unbearable it can get. You might experience symptoms like headaches, irritability, anxiety, sweating, and constant nicotine cravings that you can’t stop thinking about. By switching to vapes from DIY Vape Wholesale, you can improve your health without going through all that. Since e-cigarettes do contain nicotine, you can prevent withdrawal symptoms from happening without having to inhale a load of carbon monoxide and tar. E-liquids are made with two key ingredients: vegetable glycerine and propylene glycol. These are commonly used in household foods and are safe for humans. And e-liquids come in plenty of exciting flavors – check out the range at

Save Your Money

Compared to the cost of being a smoker, you are going to feel seriously rich when you switch to vaping instead. You might not even believe the amount of money that you were literally smoking away before. The price of cigarettes is always going up to help encourage people to quit by making it unaffordable. On the other hand, vaping is a fairly affordable habit. You can get setups for as little as £20-30, which can last for months or years depending on how often you use them and how well you look after them. The cost of e-liquid can vary, but a 10ml bottle usually costs less than £5 and can last you at least a few days.

Banish Smells and Stains

One of the first things that you might notice after switching from smoking to vaping successfully for a few weeks or even days is just how bad cigarette smoke actually smells. It’s not uncommon for ex-smokers to be absolutely repulsed by the smell of cigarettes and wonder if they used to smell like that. Along with banishing bad smells from your home, clothes, and car, switching to vaping will prevent those nasty yellow nicotine stains from appearing on your teeth and fingers. Overall, you’ll probably feel cleaner, fresher, healthier, and much better about yourself.

If you’ve had enough of smoking and all the negative effects that it can have on your life, but don’t want to go through all the withdrawal symptoms that come along with quitting cold turkey, then you should definitely consider using vaping as a stop-smoking aid.

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