Eyesight Issues: What You Should Know

It has been said that the eyes are the windows to the soul, and whether or not you believe that to be true, you must admit that the eyes are two of the most important parts of your entire body, allowing you to perceive the world around you in dazzling detail. However, these incredible pieces of biological engineering are prone to occasionally developing unfortunate defects. This results in some people having poor eyesight and there are a number of ways that this can present. This article aims to briefly explain the causes of such issues, how issues with your vision could present and also discuss what your options are when it comes to dealing with your damaged vision.

Causes of Eyesight Issues

There are any number of potential causes for issues with your eyes and the simple truth is it is not exactly understood why these issues occur, but it is believed that genetics play a large part in the development of these conditions.


Shortsightedness, also called myopia, is a condition where your eye cannot focus properly on distant objects. This means that while you can see perfectly well up close, you are unable to see distant objects clearly – instead they appear blurred. This is one of the most common eye conditions for anyone to develop and tends to act on a spectrum with vision becoming more and more blurred the further out you try to look.


Longsightedness, or hypermetropia, on the other hand is a condition where your eye cannot focus properly on objects close to you. This means that you can see distant objects with clarity, but nearby objects are blurred, which makes activities like reading all but impossible. This is another common eye condition and, like shortsightedness, tends to present on a spectrum with vision clarity deteriorating the closer the object you are trying to perceive is.


Finally, an astigmatism is a vision problem that is caused by a problem with the shape of your cornea or the lens of your eye. Either way, this causes light to pass through your eyes differently to how it should, and your vision tends to become blurry, fuzzy, or otherwise distorted. This differs from long and shortsightedness as the issues caused by astigmatisms are a result of an error in the shape of your eye and so are not affected by the location of the object you are perceiving.

What Can Be Done

There are a plethora of ways that impaired vision can be treated from prescription glasses to LASIK eye surgery in Baton Rouge – it all depends on what you want as a result of your treatment. You might be nervous about the idea of having to wear glasses, whether that’s because you feel like you will forget, won’t look good in them, or any other number of reasons. Fortunately, there are all sorts of shapes and sizes to choose from these days, such as these d frame glasses, that you are likely to find something that you feel confident enough in to wear as and when you need to.

If you simply wish to be able to see unhindered and don’t mind too much about glasses, then that is likely the cheaper, safer, and more advisable option for you. However, if you want to be unencumbered by glasses and believe that you would be positively affected by having properly aligned eyes once more, then LASIK is a perfectly valid and viable option for you, too. Be sure to seek appropriate medical advice.

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