You are not Alone

After reading and thoroughly enjoying The Wife Between us, I knew I wanted to try more mysteries from this authoring duo – Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen. I picked up You are not alone, because its book synopsis was quite different from The Wife Between us – which is a domestic thriller along the lines of Gone Girl.

Book Synopsis

You are not alone

You probably know someone like Shay Miller.
She wants to find love, but it eludes her.
She wants to be fulfilled, but her job is a dead end.
She wants to belong, but her life is so isolated.

You probably don’t know anyone like the Moore sisters.
They have an unbreakable circle of friends.
They live the most glamorous life.
They always get what they desire.

Shay thinks she wants their life.
But what they really want is hers.

My Review

You should read this book without knowing too much about it. In fact, even the blurb I put up above is a little too much information.

The book starts out feeling like a domestic thriller. Shay is in love with her male housemate, and jealous of his relationship with another girl. Just when I settle myself thinking this is the plot, it turns into something else. And then 30 pages in, it’s a different style of story altogether!

So, yes! It was pretty twisty and I had a hard time figuring out what exactly was going on. The writing style is a little James Patterson-esque (fast-paced, short chapters from differing points of view). Normally this would put me off (not a fan of James Patterson), but the writing and plotting makes up for the simplistic style of writing.

What didn’t quite work for me was the flat depiction of the Moore sisters and their friends. All of them are important characters in the book. The whole book is a cat and mouse game between Shay and the Moore sisters & gang. To make this work, they needed to be sharper, more ruthless than how they were portrayed in the book.

That’s the one area where this book disappointed me. Otherwise, it’s a pretty exciting novel. I flipped it open to read the first page, ended up sitting down and reading the first fifty!

If you haven’t read any books by this duo and are looking for thriller recommendations, I strongly suggest books by this writing duo.

Have you read their books? Do you have any other thriller recommendations for me?

Rating: 4 out of 5.