Getting a divorce is never a pleasant or easy thing to do. When you take your wedding vows, most people are not thinking with an end date in mind. It’s a sad statistic that nearly half of American marriages end in divorce, so if you’re considering this as the only option, it may be a comfort to know that you’re by no means alone.
While a divorce can be messy, finding a good solicitor can make the process a lot easier for you, your soon-to-be-ex, and your children if you share any. Good divorce solicitors can talk you through the process and ensure you get a fair deal while protecting your assets. This ensures that you and your ex-partner can go your separate ways as painlessly as possible.
What You Should Look For
Personal recommendations for divorce solicitors may come flying in when you make it public that you’re seeking a divorce, but there are a few things you should be aware of before jumping on the number you’re sent.
Do they offer a Resolution Service?
Divorce is very final. If there’s a chance you could save your marriage, would you try it? If this is a question you could answer yes to, see if your chosen solicitors offer a resolution service. Although this may not work, and you may still decide to go your separate ways through your divorce lawyers, at least you and your spouse will have had the chance to work out your differences in a calm setting before making the legal moves to officially divorce.
Are They Easily Contactable?
In times gone past, you’ll have needed to pick a solicitor who was close by to ensure you could go in person to sign any legal paperwork and speak with your solicitor when required.
With the era of modern communications and the relaxation of the rules around e-signatures, it’s now possible for you to conduct all of your proceedings via electronic communication or telephone. There may still be some instances where you’ll need to meet face-to-face, so it’s best to check this immediately.
Are They Experienced in Divorce Law?
Family law is a big field, and sometimes solicitors seem to have a ‘wide range of skills.’ Whilst this may be great for you, as they can pool resources from all sorts of experiences, it may not work out as well for your divorce settlement. Instead, you may need someone like Peters May – specialist divorce & family lawyers in Mayfair, London who can provide more specific advice on what you should do.
It’s worth asking questions of your solicitor to find out how experienced they are and how they plan to conduct your divorce.
Particularly if children are involved, you’ll want the process to go as smoothly and painlessly as possible. An experienced divorce solicitor should be able to guide you through the process while keeping your emotions and finances intact.