Marley and me – Book and Movie

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I initially planned to read or watch Marley and Me when we were contemplating getting a dog. My husband was gung-ho about a Labrador. I hadn’t read this book or seen the movie at the time, but I had a vague unease about his choice.

I had heard stories about Labs being incorrigible and naughty. And if I had read Marley and me (which is about an extremely naughty dog) at that time, I would have put my foot down very firmly against a Lab. So glad I didn’t because our not-so-little Coco is a total charmer and an all round good dog.

Our sweetie Coco waiting patiently for freedom while I park the car
Our sweetie Coco waiting patiently for freedom while I park the car

While I have to admit our Coco is a nibbler and chewer, he has mostly restricted himself to Piglet’s toys and left our furniture alone. For which, I am now eternally grateful, Coco!

And now let me go back to my review!

Marley and Me – The Story

John and Jenny were just beginning their life together. They were young and in love, with a perfect little house and not a care in the world. Then they brought home Marley, a wiggly yellow furball of a puppy. Life would never be the same.

My Thoughts

Marley and Me – the book was really funny and heart-warming, and I finished it within the space of a day laughing to myself the whole time.

Marley is a little rascal, but an adorable one, and I enjoyed reading about all his antics.

What makes this book special though is how Marley’s story is weaved within the overall story of John and Jenny’s life and marriage – making the book more universal than a story about a dog.

I am not sure that the Grogans were the best dog trainers in the world, but they seem to have really loved their dog. And in spite of all his antics – getting out of a moving car, chewing their furniture, and so much more, they were never tempted to give him up, and loved him all through.

As Marley gets older, the tone of the book turns somber as we inevitably go into his old age and death. By this time, I was in near tears. Grogan has written so beautifully about him.

Overall, I loved this book. It’s not great fiction, but as a light read and an ode to family and a slower life, it worked beautifully for me.

I loved the book so much that I decided to watch the movie too – starring Jennifer Aniston and Owen Wilson.

Marley and Me – the movie

The movie is equally good too. Both actors did a fabulous job, and so did the dog acting as Marley. The movie veers away from the book in places (particularly regarding Grogan’s career), but the changes work for me.

So, both the book and movie were a complete win for me! I came away with a warm feeling in my heart.

Have you read the book or watched the movie? Did you like it?

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  1. says: Cindy Ingalls

    I haven’t read the book but I did see the movie and loved it. It was so relatable. Not going to lie, but it made cry. As a dog owner, I’ve been through that tough moment when you have to do what’s best for your dog.

    1. says: Nish

      I cried so much too when I read it. I then watched the movie and cried again!

  2. says: Chad

    I haven’t seen the movie! But will watch it for sure. I love my dog so much. Thanks for the awesome review.

    1. says: Nish

      If you are a dog lover, you will definitely like it. And if you have a naughty and unruly dog, you will definitely love and relate to it.

  3. says: Themamicam

    I saw this movie, beautiful movie but I cried a lot! We just got a dog and I already love her! They are so beautiful!