Ten Tips for Reducing Your Travel Expenses

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Exploring the world is on the bucket list of many, but the cost of travel can keep people from living out their dreams. Instead of sitting and home thinking about traveling, learn about ways to reduce your expenses and get out there.

  1. Earn points: Travel companies of all types offer rewards programs for frequent fliers and sleepers, and many give points for more than using their products. Some companies might require you to get a credit card to earn points, but not them. In some cases, you can earn points by purchasing everyday items through a travel company’s app.
  2. Pay later: Don’t put your travel on a credit card; instead, you can now book and pay later with ePayLater, an app that gives you instant credit and interest-free credit for two weeks. This is a great way to save money instead of racking up credit card bills.
  3. Pack lightly: Now that airlines charge for carry-on bags, you can avoid paying fees by packing only what you need in a bag that will fit under the seat. Doing a load of laundry is much less expensive than paying for a checked or carry-on bag.
  4. Make it a tax deduction: Figure out how to make traveling something you can deduct from your taxes. Maybe you start a travel blog or your blog about restaurants. If you get paid for it, you might be able to deduct your travel expenses. Ask your financial adviser or tax accountant for advice.
  5. Go at the right time: Learn about the best times to travel, which aren’t when schools have winter or spring breaks. You can save significant money by traveling when other people aren’t.
  6. Find freebies: Travelers can get freebies if they look for them. You might get a free dinner at a restaurant if you take a timeshare tour. Museums and National Parks all over the country have free days with no strings attached.
  7. Eat locally: Eating while traveling can be expensive. Instead of spending your limited budget on expensive restaurants, check out local markets and prepare your food. You’ll save a fortune and see what the locals do.
  8. Plan: When you plan for nearly every aspect of your traveling, you can compare prices and save money. One area that travelers often forget is how they’ll get from the airport to their hotel. Find the best option before you arrive to do it at the lowest possible price. In fact, book a car for your entire stay, it might work out cheaper. A car rental company like StressFreeCarRental.com can help save money in a stress free way.
  9. Take care of your passport: You will have to pay the rush fee if you wait until the last minute to update your passport. That extra fee could make a big difference for a budget traveler.
  10. Use public transportation: Rental cars, taxis, and Ubers can get expensive. If a community has public transport, learn how to use it and find out if there is a low-cost daily pass. You’ll see more of the town you are visiting and save money along the way.
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