Last year, I somehow managed to reverse the downward readership trend on my blog. Yes, 2015 onwards, it seemed like people were either not interested in blogs, I wasn’t doing enough blog promotion, maybe readers were all on Instagram, or maybe I was just posting sub-par stuff here.
Whatever, I was pretty discouraged at the start of 2018 and was on the verge of putting an end to the whole blogging thing.
And then just when I was ready to pull the plug late last year, I looked at the statistics again, and was pretty surprised by a rising upward trend. I still don’t know quite why exactly. I have been doing some extra promotion on Instagram, so maybe that is what has paid off.
So, finally the blog stays. I may even enhance it a bit (if I have the time to do all the code and design changes I have in mind).
And here are my top ten posts of 2018.
November 2018 October 2018 recap The ambiance at Bar Bar A Court of Mist and Fury Lord of Shadows Yours Faithfully A Court of Wings and Ruin The Glass Palace The avenue of Ram sphinxes in Karnak
- Hands-down, my top posts were the personal ones. You guys really liked my monthly updates. My November 2018 recap was the most popular post. I wish I had known this would turn out so popular, I would have started these earlier.
- The next popular post was my October 2018 recap.
- My sunday drunch at Bar Bar sparked a lot of interest.
- My top most viewed book review was A Court of Mist and Fury
- Very closely followed by my review of Lord of Shadows. I guess YA Fantasy is a very popular genre this year.
- You all really loved the glitz and glamour of the 5th anniversary celebrations I attended at the Ritz-Carlton.
- I think my review of Yours Forever was tweeted around or shared a lot bringing it to the top ten list.
- A Court of Wings and Ruin brings up the rear.
- For some strange reason, this Teaser Tuesday post of The Glass Palace made it to the top ten. Usually these posts do well, but they don’t make it to the year end top ten list.
- All my Egypt-related travel posts did decently, but the only Egypt post to make it to the top ten was this post about the temples in Egypt that we visited.
What posts did you enjoy reading on my blog? Feel free to leave your comments. That will enable me to tailor my content better.