The Best Locations in North America for a Deer Hunting Trip

Deer hunting is one of the most popular kinds of hunting done nationwide, as most states have a decent supply of different deer varieties, as well as permissible hunting areas and seasons. However, there’s no denying that some regions are just better for deer hunting in general, not only because of the number of specimens and the chances of a successful hunt but also because of other factors like weather, scenery, and permits. To help you make sure your next deer hunting trip is one of the best you’ve ever had, we’ve compiled the following list of the top five places in North America for hunting deer. Just remember to keep stocked up on ammo (you can do so through websites like Thermold Magazines, for instance), and that you have the necessary equipment and supplies to make it one of those trips you look back on fondly.


The entire state of Georgia is ripe with deer, but some of the better spots for hunting include Chattahoochee Bend State Park, Panola Mountain State Park, and Hard Labor Creek State Park. Commonly mentioned as a top deer hunting spot on sites like, the area is home to some of the best whitetail hunting in the U.S., and the state as a whole has ranked #1 in the nation for the number of antlerless deer harvested. Plus, about 3% of the state’s land mass is open to the public for hunting and there’s a high density of bucks to be had.


Missouri is home to several popular outdoor and hunting TV shows. Its rural landscape is home to an abundance of large bucks. Almost 40% of the bucks harvested in the state are 3 ½ years or older. Because there is a lot of ground to cover, you may turn this into a weekend hunting trip with overnight shoots. If you do, make sure that you have the correct equipment from rifle scopes to a pvs14 night vision monocular, so that you can stay on target professionally.


Alberta is home to massive whitetail deer that can be reliably harvested throughout the rifle season in November. The cold weather and Canadian wilderness tend to keep this from being an overly popular hunting spot, which means there are plenty of huge deer to go around.


In Indiana, you have a higher chance of harvesting a Booner than any other state (0.084%). Thus, if size is what you’re after, this might be the first place in North America you’ll want to visit.

However, as with any hunting adventure, preparation is key. Aside from selecting the right hunting spots, ensuring you have the proper gear and ammunition is essential. There are many websites, such as ammo2burn, where you can typically buy ammunition online to make sure you’re ready. Whichever route you take, being well-stocked is crucial for a successful and enjoyable hunt.


Kentucky is a lesser-known hunting state, but it has been building a reputation for being a deer-hunting mecca in recent years. The hunting seasons are long, the regulations are lenient, and the state ranks second behind only Indiana in chances of leaving with a Booner. Veteran hunters like to keep Kentucky a secret because they’re worried that the bountiful harvests of huge deer might end if the place gets too crowded. Luckily, the vast swaths of wilderness tend to aid the deer in adding to their bustling populations year after year.

Making a Road Trip Of It

The saying

It’s not about the destination it’s about the journey along the way

should come to mind when planning any road trip. While you could just fly to the area you’re hunting in and catch a taxi straight to the hotel, the entire experience will be so much more enjoyable and memorable if you take the road trip approach instead.

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