It’s been some time since I shared Snubnose’s work on this blog. Nowadays, I usually just put up an Instagram post. But of late, I am realizing that it gets lost within the sea of photos over there, and so I am restarting the practice of blogging about her art work.
Here is a full-size pic of a recent work of hers:

This image might look like it is over-saturated, but no. This is the actual colors in real-life too. This image was inspired by the artist Hundertwasser who was known for his brilliant colors. Here is a classic example:

Snubnose actually used this above image as inspiration to come out with her work. And since, Hundertvasser was very concerned with preserving the environment, there is the Stop pollution message on her art work.
This is turning out to be one of my favorites. I placed it against a dark blue wall, and I love just how much more impactful and dramatic that wall gets.