What a Difference Drapes Make


The corner window in Snubnose’s room has always been problematic. It was large and let in a lot of light, but there was zero privacy.

It was also hard to get ready made drapes to fit the size and after a lot of hemming and hawing, we decided to get our curtains stitched to suit the window.

Harsh looking bare windows
Before: Harsh looking bare windows

As you can see, we badly needed drapes for privacy and to curtain off the harsh light from the setting sun.

Softer Light After Adding Some Sweet Pink Drapes
After: Softer Light After Adding Some Sweet Pink Drapes

The pinkish-gold hue is lovely and perfectly suits the room. At first I was hesitant thinking it would make the room look too pink as even the walls are pink. However we went with a sophisticated print (not apparent from this picture) and I think we have nicely avoided the nauseatingly baby-doll effect that pink usually has.

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  1. says: Sam Still Reading

    Those drapes are gorgeous, tones in beautifully with the room.

    1. says: Nishita

      Thanks @samstillreading:disqus It’s become my favorite room in the house now 🙂

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  3. says: Jenny @ Reading the End

    Looks amazing!! Those windows are gorgeous, and the drapes look beautiful on them.

    1. says: Nishita

      @debnance:disqus yes, I wasn’t sure about going pink on pink at first, but it really looks nice.