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I want to share with you some awesome images of the various castles that feature in the A Song of Ice and Fire series that I saw here. I’ve clipped a few images together so you can have a glimpse but do head to the original site for the full pictures. I think they are simply superb.

I particularly love Pyke (the fifth one), I can totally visualize that dude Theon’s father falling off this bridge. So spooky!
Running a close second is Castle Black (the ninth one), just for that gigantic wall of ice.
Which one is your favorite?
Coming up next week: Maps of the places featured in ASOIAF. You can tell I really love this series, can’t you?
Loved the pics, I imagined Riverrun exacty like this!! Pyke is amazing too, I’d like to see Sunspear =/
Hey Nish! Its been ages since I left comments, still haven’t worked around the broken laptop problem- repair or ditch- Anyhow, I love the pics. Do you realize there must be some psychologist figuring out our personality traits on the basis of the castle’s we choose?!?! Of course, he/she already knows we are all pretty bloodthirsty people
My top 2 are the same as yours, but in opposite order; Riverrun and King’s Landing being the lamest of them all!
@piyushchourasia:disqus I was disappointed with King’s Landing as well. Riverrun is quite nice I thought, it’s better than what I had imagined it to be while reading the books.
Riverrun is too fairytalish, not intimidating enough for a castle in ASoIaF.
I also love the series! Can’t wait for the maps! Great post
@Verity from Lilolia visit again next week. Have scheduled the maps post for then
Absolutely stunning pics. I sometimes think that the TV series added the much needed visual effect to George R R Martin’s books. Especailly the Pyke and King’s Landing. Thanks for sharing this!
@disqus_W3bZsBdKXf:disqus I haven’t seen the TV series
, how are these places depicted there? Do they look similar to these images? I love that image of Pyke too, although I shouldn’t be as I’m scared of heights 
You should try the TV Series as well, it is quite good, even if it sometimes deviates “a little” from the book, which makes it more interesting imho. Apparently they are creating another new character (not found in the books) in the upcoming 4th Season.
Really cool pics. I loved Pyke the most. Thanks for these pics Nish. I love the series too.
@Avada Kedavra which book are you in now? Do you watch the TV series too?
I am currently on the 5th book. It is so gigantic, I am having a hard time finishing it. I have been watching the TV series. The new season is coming in march. I am waiting for it desperately.
@Avada Kedavra Yah, the first half of the book is a slog, but things really pick up midway through the book, and the ending is a real cliff-hanger
Damn that old man to take ages to finish each book and keep us hanging, thats why I really admire the superhuman speed at which Sanderson writes such high quality fantasy.
You are talking Greek right now… but I totally would be you if I had read the books
@veens:disqus Read the books, you”ll get what I am obsessing about
i think who ever figured out how to make the Eastern edge of the wall should be EXACTLY vertical, is a genius. Yes, they are all great.
This looks very interesting! I need to try watching this series!
Love Nilu Yuleena,
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@NiluYuleena:disqus me too
Those were cool! Riverrun looks to be a rather pleasant place
@Stefanie Yes, it does look nice. On the original site, there was one of Highgarden also which was very pretty
Pretty awesome castle..
@kristinelanorias:disqus Thank you
I’d love to visit a castle. We don’t have any castles here in America.
Here’s my Wordless Wednesday!
@debnance:disqus we have tons of palaces and forts here. Unfortunately no castles either