Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all you Lovely Readers!

Christmas time, mistletoe and wine. I love this time of year, celebrations and joy and looking forward to a new year! I tried getting the snubnose and piglet into a single festive photo, but that's pretty much impossible, it seems. So, here's the snubnose alone wishing you all a Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

Christmas time, mistletoe and wine. I love this time of year, celebrations and joy and looking forward to a new year!

So, here’s the snubnose alone wishing you all a Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

Btw, she and her friends made the Santa and reindeer in the photo ๐Ÿ™‚ .

Later on, just to be contrary, Piglet eventually decided to allow me to click a pic of him. So, here’s what’s becoming an increasingly rare sighting of him on my blog (he has started to get very aggressive when I get the camera/iPhone out). He’d rather be the one taking the pictures.

This face of his, itโ€™s just too much for me sometimes. I want to eat him.

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  1. says: Francesca Emmett

    Cute kids, congrats Nish! All the best for a restful and peaceful Christmas and New Year.

    1. says: Nishita

      @francescaemmett:disqus Thank you so much, Francesca. Wish you also a great new year and a great 2014 in general!

  2. says: Avada Kedavra

    oh my god. Piglet is so cute. Snubnose looks like a big girl already.
    Wishing you too a very happy new year Nish ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. says: bermudaonion(Kathy)

    I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas! Your kids are adorable!

    1. says: Nishita

      @bermudaonion_kathy:disqus Thanks, Kathy, we did. And our celebrations aren’t over yet!

    1. says: Nishita

      @disqus_W3bZsBdKXf:disqus he can’t grow up fast enough for me. He’s in the terrible twos phase, and I just want to hurry him up till he is 4 ๐Ÿ˜€

      Merry Christmas and happy hols to you and yours too, Shweta!

  4. says: Veens

    These light of yours…. Let them shine, lett hem shine!!!! I think Snubnose is really talented ๐Ÿ™‚ and piglet….just so cute and adorable! Merry Christmas and a very Happy New year from ours to yours ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. says: Nishita

      @disqus_W9srJITWJQ:disqus Love that song…this little guiding light of mine. So, true, children are the guiding lights ๐Ÿ™‚

      Wish you all also a very Merry christmas and a happy new year!