{Almost} WW: Goa Then and Now

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Looking at old travel photos is one of my favorite timepass activities. It’s amazing how things differ and yet stay the same. Take Snubnose for instance, I love to skim through old photos and see how she’s grown and developed over the years.

We took a whole bunch of photos during our recent trip to Goa. While sorting through them, I thought it would be fun to post a then and now series of shots juxtaposing our first trip to Goa side-by-side with our recent trip to south Goa.

First up are our vintage snaps taken in 2009. Snubnose is all of three years old, and ours was a family trip to north Goa.

Last month, snubnose and I went to south Goa with friends. Here are a few solo photos of the snubnose. Don’t have more to post as I don’t want to invade other people’s privacy.

Isn’t she looking so grown up now?

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  1. Pingback: 3extravagantly
  2. says: Veena

    Ohh yeah and your little man too.. and mine too – all growing up really fast 🙂 And yes love your new blogs new look 🙂

    1. says: Nish

      @Veena: Oh, yes, so many changes in just 3 years. It really takes having kids to know how quickly time flies 🙂

  3. says: Avada Kedavra

    I love this new theme you have for the blog 🙂
    Snubnose does look grown up in the recent pics. Looks like you had fun in the recent Goa trip.

    1. says: Nish

      @Ava: You do? thanks for your feedback. I made this change late last night and I still am getting used to it. Wasn’t sure whether this was for me or if I should switch back to the old Panel theme.

  4. says: umashankar

    Time flies. Those rectangular frames rush back memories, pleasant, nostalgic, bitter-sweet. Beautifully captured moments.

    1. says: Nish

      @Umashankar: Thank you very much :). I love this digital era where we can capture so many moments without cluttering up our physical environment.