But, I like this one – the Indian Quills Reading (IQR) challenge hosted by The Tales Pensieve. I am planning to read a lot of Indian-origin fiction in the next year, and what better way to do it than join an online Indian fiction reading group? I also love that this challenge is restricted to Indian authors, which keeps the group smaller and a little more focused. I’ve joined Asian authors reading challenges in the past, but the pool of authors was just too large and the reading group so diverse that I kind of spaced out after a while.
I am also keeping the reading challenge relatively light – only 6 books, but I am going to make them count 🙂
What are the reading challenges you are planning to join in 2013?
Hmm I might take this one on as the other South Asian/Indian challenge I was hoping to do doesn’t have details up yet.
This one is so tempting 🙂 I read a lot of Indian fiction last year, so I think I can complete this one too 🙂 I suck at Challenges too 🙂