Last week I promised myself that I will take tons of pics to chronicle what was going to be a fun-filled birthday weekend with family and friends. And of course I came nowhere to keeping that promise.
I forgot my camera while having a long fun-filled lunch with friends at Punjaab where the jokes and the one-liners were flying so hard and fast, we just could not stop laughing.
I did not forget my camera for the birthday cake cutting at home. This one was unplanned, and yes, I could have lugged my lazy self to the cupboard and picked up the camera. But considering I was in my night-wear, and photos of me stuffing my face with cake is something that I really would not want the world to see, I didn’t bother with the camera.
I did not take the camera with me when we went to the matinee show of Toy Story 3 (review coming up). This was particularly inexcusable, we were all dressed up to the nines, all cheerful, and full of beans. I could have really come up with some good photos. All I can say is that by now I had given up on the photo blog post idea, and didn’t want to face prying security fingers at the mall.
We did manage to take one cell-phone picture of the snubnose at the cinema. Here she is, all dressed up to the nines.

She’s wearing a new dress that my mom bought for her for my birthday. Yes, I got that right. She eventually ended up with tons of birthday presents from everyone. Do I mind, well, not one bit 🙂
Of course, no birthday is complete without tons of food and drink. There were buckets of popcorn, boxes of pizza, pasta (cooked by me), samosas, and bars and boxes of chocolate to get through. I did complete justice to them all. There was nothing left for even lunch leftovers today 🙂
All in all, a great time. I love it when birthdays happen on a weekend!
In case, someone else has taken photos, please share…I would love to have photographic memories of such a fun weekend.
Note: Celebrations are not over as yet. There are going to be at least a couple of more feasts with 2 different sets of friends before I finally settle down. If anyone has good recommendations for fun eating & drinking joints in Bangalore, please add them in your comments. I love trying out new places.
very Interesting
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Vial Labeling Machine
Happy belated Birthday! You should check out Medici in Indira Nagar if you haven’t been there before. It is riidiculously overpriced but the food is great if you just want a quiet dinner for two.
@Vaishnavi: Oh, I didn’t realize you were based in Bangalore! Thanks for the reco, I love Italian food, so will definitely check it out.
I have seen it many times, but I was slightly put off by the name of the restaurant 🙂
Belated Happy Birthday..glad you had tons to eat :), that’s what I will be looking forward to, when it comes up this 15th..
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday! I far prefer get-togethers where there are no cameras myself, not so much worrying about whether you’re going to end up in the back of a picture with food in your mouth. :p
Happy birthday !!!!
BookRack Reviews
@Booklover: Thank you 🙂
Happy Birthday!! Sometimes it’s much freer without a camera there and one enjoys themselves much more.
Enjoy your new iPad! I was thinking of getting one for its iBook apps – it looks decent.
@Mae: That’s so true. Sometimes I think the real reason why I take so few photos is that I find it rather intrusive. Instead of living and enjoying the moment, I am posing/taking snaps.
As for the ipad, I love iBooks. I am not sure if ipad is for you if you only want to use it for reading books though. I use it for blogging, games, mail, tons of other stuff… I have also not tried out any other e-reader so I am happy with this one, but there could be other, better ones out there.
You should read Steph’s amazing post up at Steph and Tony Investigate:
She’s done a pretty thorough invesitgation of the e-readers out in the market 🙂