Looking for a Reason to buy the Apple iPad?

Personally, I was just not interested when the iPad came out…I mean hello! which self-respecting girl would like to buy such a buy a product that’s named just like something a girl has to buy every month!

But if there are folks (particularly book lovers) considering an iPad…here is one reason to convince you to go buy…

An Alice in Wonderland book app

Doesn’t it look absolutely gorgeous. Imagine how much more fun story-telling time to your kid could be…

Do you think this could be another way to get children to read?

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  1. Pingback: 2deferential
  2. says: pozycjonowanie sklepow internetowych

    I understand that but where does it take us?

  3. Pingback: Buscando una razΓ³n para comprar la manzana IPAD?
  4. Wow. That is beautiful. Such vivid color. I, too, am an Apple addict – 2 iphones (one which I use as an ipod after the screen broke), an iBook, an iMac, and a regular iPod. I know, it’s ridiculous. I’m trying to wipe the ibook to sell, though. With Apple, like with most things, I wait for the second generation or so – for price and for quality. They have to get all those kinks out.

    1. says: Nish

      @pickygirl: Wow! I am so envious of you. I am still an Apple virgin…just starting to contemplate an iPhone purchase now πŸ™‚

      I love the mac though, I used it in college and was amazed at how superior it is to PCs

  5. says: sarahintheskywith

    Thanks for stopping my my site – I’ve enjoyed perusing yours as well. πŸ™‚ I’ll definitely be back for more.

  6. The kids I know love the interactivity of regular books: flaps to lift, pages to turn, textures to feel. I’ve asked them (my two children and their friends) about ereaders and they are not interested. They aren’t as magical.

    1. says: Nish

      @Pussreboots: ok, I guess that would depend on the child. I have a feeling that my daughter would really enjoy it.

  7. says: Let's Read

    It’s just pretty damn expensive..

    And if kids are into reading, they would read with anything..

  8. says: Vaishnavi

    I have been contemplating iPad myself because I am bit of an apple addict….hmmmm….love the Alice in Wonderland app πŸ™‚