A happy little award…

from Sumana over at IREAD

The Happy 101 Award
The Happy 101 Award

The award asks that you make a list of ten things that make you happy. Here is my list:

  • Receiving awards from bloggers whose blogs you love. Thanks again Sumana for making my day 🙂
  • Receiving comments on posts that I have really taken pains to write.
  • Having some special mommy-daughter time with the snubnose where just the two of us go out and do some fun stuff together, and completely enjoy being silly.
  • Seeing my waistline shrink (a phenomena that occurs very rarely, unfortunately)
  • Getting appreciation/raise at work.
  • Reading a book that really tickles my funny bone. Any P.G Wodehouse book generally does the trick for me, but I particularly love the Blandings series. Well-written chick-lit ala Bridget Jones also works. Nothing more depressing than reading bad chick-lit though.
  • Traveling to new places
  • Shopping – especially when I score a great bargain or manage to discover some new and wonderful shop that I can share with my friends.
  • Nice fullthoo gossip session with my friends over drinks and dinner, where we get totally wasted and end up laughing uncontrollably 🙂
  • Food rich in serotonin like pasta and chocolates will always do the trick if none of the above is happening in my life 🙂

I now pass on the happiness to some of my other favorite bloggers out there who always bring a smile to my face:

  • Shilpa from A Rose is a Rose is a Rose for her witty take on day-to-day life.
  • Alita from Alita.reads because I love how she combines such appropriate soundtracks with the books she’s reading.
  • Aimee from My Fluttering Heart because who cannot smile at the pinkness and the beautiful imagery of her blog. I literally drooled over those macarons, Aimee…keep them coming. Also, she’s got some really awesome blogs listed on the sidebar.
  • Kal from At Pemberley because we seem to always love the same books.
  • Shona from Shona’s Book Shelves because I am so happy she’s getting back to blogging 🙂

I also received another award from Kal some time ago. This is the lovely blog award. Thank you, Kal 🙂

The One Lovely Blog Award
The One Lovely Blog Award

I need to pass this award on to 5 new bloggers that I have recently discovered, and I pass these awards on to:

Thanks for the awards folks, and for the chance to spread the cheer 🙂
For the bloggers who received the “happy” awards, I would love to read your posts on what makes you happy.

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  1. says: sumanam

    What happened here? what did I mis??? Very nice, lots of pizzazz, love it 🙂

    1. says: Nish

      @Sumana: Yes, it’s a complete turnaround isn’t it 🙂 I don’t know…just impulse I guess.

      Let’s see how long this lasts 😀

  2. says: Aimee

    Sweet Nish – you are truly precious. I love your support for my blog, and am truly honoured to accept this award. I loved both what you had to say, and I ADORE your new look! Gorgeous!!


  3. says: Kals

    Thanks a million for the award and congrats on yours! We certainly share a similar taste for books 🙂

    I’m very glad Shona will be back to blogging 🙂

    As for the gossiping with friends and laughing over everything…it’s priceless! 🙂 🙂 Brings a smile to my face just thinking about it!

  4. Aha! That’s interesting!
    Lots of your things make me happy too… No, almost all!! 😀
    Congrats for your award and thanks for sharing it with me! I am touched and honored!! 🙂
    I like the new look of your blog! 🙂
    Cheers 🙂