More Blog Beautifying Templates

If you are looking for some nice n snazzy templates or design ideas, you have come to the right place šŸ™‚

I love redesigning blogs and simply love to try out new designs and check out how things look. In WordPress, I have not opted for the CSS upgrade, so if I want to fool around with templates, I use my now-defunct Blogger blog as an experimental sandpit.

The Blogger platform really gives you a lot of flexibility regarding the design of your blog, and it is simply so easy to revamp, you can do it even if you have very little CSS knowledge. There are tons of sites on the web, which provide you with ready-made templates. All you need to do is upload them to your blog, and your blog is as good as new.

Some sites that I really love:

  • Blogger Templates (huge variety – there are templates to suit all needs)
  • Infocreek Blog (the variety is not too much, but the templates look really professional)

Btw, if you have a (not blog you can still use the templates available in the above sites.

I used my old Blogger blog to test out some of these templates.

What do you think about these options I tried out?

The Blue Jeans Template from Infocreek Blog
The Blue Jeans Template from Infocreek Blog

I loved the denim look and feel. My favorite theme though was the Notepad template. It looks really beautiful, and I was itching to try it out. However, a Blogger version is yet to be released. Will definitely pounce on it when it does.

The Notepad Template from Infocreek Blog
The Notepad Template from Infocreek Blog

I finally tried the Scrapbook theme, and eventually decided to stick with it for now.

It is really quite pretty and will suit a lot of photo blogs out there. With a little CSS knowledge, you can easily make whatever modifications you want to.

These templates are very easy to use. Just download and unzip them on to your system, and follow the instructions in the Readme. Most times, it is as simple as uploading the XML template file to your blog (in the case of Blogger), I am not very familiar with this process for blogs.

Now, you guys must be wondering why I spend so much time surfing for blog templates for a blog that I do not even update. The fact is that I dream about creating a beautiful secondary book blog ( I keep thinking about it, but in actuality I am just way too lazy to maintain 2 blogs). Changing templates is quick n easy, and for the amount of work required (minimal) provides a lot more satisfaction šŸ™‚

If you do decide to update your blog using these links, please do leave a comment with your blog link, I would love to visit and check it out šŸ™‚

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  1. says: WP Themes

    Genial post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you as your information.

  2. says: Reynold Hugh

    These templates are really a beautiful work and I have a question that how do I log in to my blog without the navbar?
    Blog Templates

    1. says: Nish

      Hi Reynold, not sure if I got the question correct. You have logged out of your blog, but don’t see an option to re-login?

      Well, if it is a WordPress blog, try the following:

      This should take you to the login page.

      Hope this helps.

  3. says: ynitadw

    Thank you for sharing your research and insight. It is most kind of you. Wishing all your intentions bear fruit, Ynitadw

  4. says: skyfullofclouds

    Ages ago I used to blog on Blogger. But then work commitments took my blogging time away and it became defunct. I tried reviving it by changing themes a few times and posting random stuff but it didn’t work out. I now blog on and like to use simple themes. I would agree with the fact that doesn’t offer any flexibility for maneuvering the themes although their theme collection is better than Blogger.

    And you have an absolutely fine blog up here. Keep posting šŸ™‚

    1. says: Nish

      Thank you so much for the compliment šŸ™‚

      That’s true, one thing I noticed about WordPress is that its themes look pretty much the same on all systems. Unlike Blogger templates, where the quality is inconsistent. I think WordPress support and forums also rock.

      That’s why I still prefer WordPress

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