Ketogenic diet

Can a Ketogenic Diet Cure Epilepsy?

The chronicle neurological disorder called epilepsy occurs when the normal electrical activity associated with our brain gets disrupted. This can lead to repeated seizures, ranging from brief lapses to prolonged convulsions. The variable condition of epilepsy can be differentiated in its impact on people. More than 40 registered epileptic types have already been experienced by people till date. The categorization of seizures is determined by whether a partial or complete part of our brain is affected. Epilepsy has already incapacitated more than 50 million people worldwide and can stem out of an array of factors such as environmental, genetic and physiological causing functional changes in the brain.

The Exterior

Tips While Choosing a HVAC Contractor

Choosing an HVAC contractor might be a slightly tricky job but if you get it right, you could receive some great service. For hiring heating and cooling service contractor, there are a few parameters that one has to keep in mind. In order to ensure that you get the kind of service you need instead of getting ripped off, here are a few things you can keep in mind before going out and looking for a good HVAC contractor.

The mixed fruit salad

Delicious Fruits to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth and Manage Diabetes

Billions of people around the world are addicted to sugar. If this wasn’t the case, fast food restaurants wouldn’t be thriving in every corner of the globe. High sugar snacks and meals satisfy people’s craving because they taste good, but also because they are quite convenient. If you have diabetes and you are trying to break your addiction to sugary foods, you need to go to Some recipes will take the place of the yeasty bread and sugary drinks you have come to enjoy, but there are also recipes and meal plans that are completely new and out of the ordinary. Sometimes, breaking an addiction to sugar means that you just need to start with the basics. Here are three simple ways to enjoy fruit in a way you might have never imagined.

My dream office space

Landing Your Dream Job in the Media Industry

There’s always a demand for enthusiastic, creative, and forward-thinking people in the media industry, however, landing a good career isn’t always the easiest of tasks. Competition is fierce, so you really have to stand out to employers and make a good impression to be in with a chance of getting noticed. If you have your heart set on a career in media, here’s what you can do to stand out from the crowd and get the creative career of your dreams.