Love in the Time of Cholera
Set in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez narrates the love triangle between…
Voracious reader, vegetarian foodie, mostly armchair traveler, and frequent online shopper. I love to talk about all these passions (and other things happening in my life) in this blog.
Set in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez narrates the love triangle between…
The author Shannon Hale in her blog has posed quite a few interesting questions to book bloggers. And I felt it is really worth…
Bollywood music is really rocking these days. I am currently completely into these ones: Iktara from Wake up Sid Aaj dil gustakh hai from…
I have been a very bad girl of late with regard to completing my reading challenges. In fact, I must say reading challenges have…
This long weekend was also spent chilling out at home, pigging out on yummy food, and watching random movies. For this weekend’s movie watching,…
I am posting this small tid-bit here because I am tired of saying the same thing again and again to various people….apologies to all…
I really wanted to love this one. I mean really wanted to. How could you not love a book when the author Anne Enright…
Gosh! I am taking ages to complete the book I am reading, and so I have resorted to stealing interesting memes from off the…
Krishna from S.Krishna’s Books, and Nidhi and Veens over at Giving…Reading a Chance have compiled a nice list of Booker award winners and nominees…
Shutter Island was the first Dennis Lehane novel I read (in 2004, I think), and I was completely blown away by the book. It…