This has been a slower read than I expected. Not in a bad way, but just that I am taking my time with it….
Voracious reader, vegetarian foodie, mostly armchair traveler, and frequent online shopper. I love to talk about all these passions (and other things happening in my life) in this blog.
Home Videos of Snubnose Singing
I have tons of videos of the Snubnose and Piglet and I always hesitate posting them on my blog for these two reasons: It…
When I think of my wife, I always think of her head. The shape of it, to begin with. The very first time I…
Mailbox Mondays: June 17, 2013
Welcome to this week’s Mailbox Monday which is hosted this month by Meredith of Dolce Belezza. I received an interesting set of books by…
Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World
Gosh, this is a hard book to summarize. This book takes you on a rollicking roller-coaster ride, part science-fiction, part fantasy, and full bizarre….
In Love with A Beautiful Mess
There’s this new app that I am absolutely obsessed with and thought I’d share it on my blog. It’s called A Beautiful Mess, and…
The Sea of Innocence – Book Trailer
In my review last week, I talked about The Sea of Innocence by Kishwar Desai. So, when the book publicist mailed me requesting me…
Japanese Literature Reading Challenge? And me?
I have always followed Dolce Belezza’s Japanese Literature Reading Challenge project with interest. I liked reading all about the writers and stuff, but never…
Wordless Wednesdays: Shopping with the Snubnose can be Dangerous
She always steers me towards the trends she likes (and considering she is a 7-year old), you know how dangerous that can be :)….
The Classics Club monthly meme is another way to bring members of The Classics Club together. The meme question for this month is: What…