Krispy Kreme Yummyness and Some Ballet and Theme Updates
Last Sunday was spent ferrying the snubnose to extra ballet rehearsals. She is due to perform in a ballet performance of Cinderella mid-December and…
Voracious reader, vegetarian foodie, mostly armchair traveler, and frequent online shopper. I love to talk about all these passions (and other things happening in my life) in this blog.
Last Sunday was spent ferrying the snubnose to extra ballet rehearsals. She is due to perform in a ballet performance of Cinderella mid-December and…
Looking at old travel photos is one of my favorite timepass activities. It’s amazing how things differ and yet stay the same. Take Snubnose…
I think most bloggers will relate to Nao’s thoughts from A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki. It made me sad when…
Welcome to Mailbox Monday, a meme started by Marcia of To Be Continued and hosted by Crystal by I Totally Paused! this month. My…
How did we come to this pass? Just a couple of years back, our life was leisurely, snubnose was 4 and a very mature…
And the winners of the literary giveaway bloghop are: Ashfa wins a copy of The Garden of Evening Mists by Tan Twan Eng Neer…
For the past couple of months, snubnose has been studying the Modigliani style of art and been trying to recreate it using oil pastels.Here’s…
While deciding whether to read TransAtlantic by Colum McCann, I read a review that said… What McCann says in a sentence, others can’t say…
Today, the bloggers at The Broke and the Bookish have asked us to list the Top Ten Covers We’d like to Redesign. I’m not…
When I came across this paragraph in TransAtlantic by Colum Mc Cann, I couldn’t help thinking about Piglet and his love for predictable hide…