The Classics Club monthly meme is another way to bring members of The Classics Club together.
I have been pretty irregular with the memes…two small kids, tons of work, and moving house could account for that :D.
Let’s see if I can do a little better for later memes.
The meme question for this month is:
Tell us about the classic book(s) you’re reading this month. You can post about what you’re looking forward to reading in May, or post thoughts-in-progress on your current read(s).
OK, this month, I am reading One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (from now on called GGM). I have had this book on my shelf for some time now. After my so-so earlier reading foray into GGM, I did not feel like he was the author for me.
But after reading one too many light reads, I really wanted to sink into something more challenging and complex. And this beautiful cover was just calling out to me begging to be read.
I am mid-way into the book now, and so far I have zero issues with the book. The writing is beautiful and is a wonderful example of the magical realism style that GGM is famous for. The story is wonderful, meandering, meaningful, and filled with wonderful writing.
The story may not appeal to everyone but it appeals to me. I love how the story is fantastic but yet not too fantastic. It’s challenging to read, but not so challenging that reading is hard work. I love it!
If you are into reading classics by the pool-side or beach (and if you are a member of The Classics Club, wouldn’t you be?), I highly recommend this book as your reading companion.
Have you read this book? Agree, disagree with my thoughts?
This one is next on my list! I’m going to read it together with another book blogger, our plan is for June, so its June and I cant wait to get stuck into this one 🙂
@Melinda: I think you will really like this one 🙂
I loved it very much but I think there is a ton of symbolism that I might have missed. I am looking forward to reading your thoughts on it.
I read One hundred years of solitude eight years back, when I was seventeen and in the first year of my med school. I don’t think any single book (except Plato’s dialogue maybe) left a deeper impression upon me than this work (and I’m saying that after reading almost all the classics of twentieth century and more). I started learning spanish after reading this, with the hope that I might read it one day in the original language. Eight years down the road, that project of mine is still underway 🙂
@The Alternativist: Wow, that’s great that it inspired you to learn Spanish.
The book I have is a very good translation (I think), but nothing beats reading it in the original language. All the best in your project 🙂
:). I read all of Marquez’s novels and would also recommend you Autumn of Patriarch. It’s not as universally acclaimed/enjoyed as Hundred years of solitude or love in the time of cholera due to its political overtures. But still anyone who endeavors to read Marquez, I think, should read this one.
@The Alternativist: Thanks for the recommendation. I do plan to read more of his books now. I’ve heard good things about Autumn…I will put it next on my GGM books to read
Haven’t read this book but looking for something more heavier on the mind so I might as well pick up this one 🙂