Snubnose is heavily into The Big Wave by Pearl S. Buck, while I am dipping into the classics again with Captains Courageous by Rudyard Kipling. I realized while reading that it’s a book more suitable for young boys than for grown-up women, but I am revisiting my inner tomboy reading this book.

Piglet meanwhile has transferred his affections from Angelina Ballerina to Strawberry Shortcake, and I’ve been reading this book to him at least ten times a day, no exaggeration here.

The Big Wave is something I am encouraging Snubnose to read, but she is interspersing that with a lighter funnier read – The Enormous Crocodile by Roald Dahl.

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    1. says: Nishita

      @roth0003:disqus They do stare glassy-eyed at the box also. I have a hard time getting Snubnose to restrict herself.

      1. says: NCSue

        One of the best things my folks did for me was to instill in me a love of reading. Another was to recommend I take a typing class. Both of these have been invaluable to me through the years.

  1. says: Shweta

    Roald Dahl! Such a joy. I keep going back to Little Women and Anne of Green Gables every now and then. Currently my attention span is only good enough for comic books and graphic novels. Really short graphic novels 🙂

    1. says: Nishita

      @debnance:disqus Who doesn’t 🙂 , I confess I dip into them every now and then when Snubnose leaves them lying around 🙂

  2. says: Monique

    I’m re-reading Anne of Green Gables and loving this trip back into childhood reads. Have fun reading with Snubnose and Piglet.

    (I miss the days of reading to Monkey and Bear.

    1. says: Nishita

      @disqus_fT2TINuo2O:disqus Reading with kids is so much fun. Snubnose reads on her own now, but I love reading with her as she makes all sorts of random comments and observations as she reads 🙂