Wordless Wednesdays: Snubnose’s Latest Ambition

Remember my last post about snubnose and her ambitions? Well, that post is completely outdated now.

Snubnose participated in an independence day march past last week, and she had to go in full army uniform. She loved the gun holster so much that she’s now decided she wants to be a soldier.

All geared up for the Independence Day parade
All geared up for the Independence Day parade

Can’t say that this photo of her posing all cutesy in her uniform inspires any sense of faith in her ability to secure our country :).

And just realized it’s been ages since I featured Piglet on my blog and so here’s a click of Piglet riding his sister’s old Barbie tricycle and wearing his sister’s hand me downs. Hey, we are being very eco-friendly ok, no kanjoosi (miserly 🙂 ) here.

Piglet on his Barbie tricycle
Piglet on his Barbie tricycle
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