Cool Video for Bibliophiles

I first saw this video up at 101 Books and was awestruck at the animation. A ton of work has gone into it by the owners of Type Bookstore in Toronto. I love the final effect and just have to share it with you here.

If you are a bookworm living in the Toronto area, I think visiting Type Bookstore might just be worth your while.

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  1. Great site and great content. I’ve also been thinking of switching to the new Splendio theme. Did you pay premium fees to get the rotating post feature? Or is there a special CSS code for that?

    Again, great site.

  2. Hi, I just posted this video too on my BOOKS TAKE CENTERSTAGE post…It’s just so lovely!! had to share it, right?!
    On another topic, I’m trying out this sameTHEME but i can’t seem to get the ‘slideshow’ going, like the one you’ve got on your front page…would you maybe have a moment and give me a few pointers? my email is uroale-at-hotmail-dot-com…thank you

    1. says: Nish


      I made my posts sticky posts and added a featured image to them. Then these posts come as a slider. Do this for a couple of posts and see.

      Sometimes, if the images are not the right sizes, the post does not appear in the slider.

      Let me know if this helps 🙂



  3. says: Josette

    I saw this video this morning too. My friends loved it!

    To think that books can come alive and dance away at night. 🙂 It reminds me of the Toy Story movies cos the toys come alive when humans aren’t around.