BBAW: A Treasure Chest of Book Blogs

A Treasure Chest of Book Blogs
A Treasure Chest of Book Blogs

Such a great opportunity to give a shout-out to two blogs that I recently discovered and now devour regularly. These blogs are not new, but I discovered them this year. Both these amazing blogs have helped me rediscover my lost love for reading classics, and leisurely, more thoughtful reading in general.

  • Mad Bibliophile – Mae’s thoughtful reviews are always great, and she is absolutely fearless in her book choices – Sartre, Zola, and Camus may not be everybody’s cup of tea, but they are just one of her many varied book choices. One of my favorite posts of recent times is her post on Slow Reading.
  • Dolce Bellezza – Already a very popular book blogger…she hosts the Japanese Reading Challenge, however I stumbled across her blog when I wanted company reading The Brothers Karamazov. Love her posts, love her eclectic reading choices. And Bellezza, if you are reading this, I also love the Brothers Karamazov bookmark you sent me.

Anyway, like I said these blogs are quite well-known generally, but if you haven’t visited them…why are you still here? time to go clickety-click 🙂

Have fun reading, and if you like let me know your favorite book blogs in your comments!

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  1. says: Bellezza

    Nishita, how sweet are you to list my blog in your post. I’m so glad we had the chance to read The Brothers Karamazov together, as well as each other’s blogs. You are so very welcome for the Russian bookmark!

  2. says: Prema

    Hi Nish, loved reading your writeup on book blogs. I have always been interested in almost all the classics and have read quite a few of them (unabridged ones). Of late, due to several preoccupations, I haven’t been able to do enough justice to them. But your blog has rekindled the flames. Thank you so much.

  3. says: Iris

    Both of those blogs are great blogs and they deserve a lot more recognition than they get so I think it is great that you featured them! I’m new to your blog, but with such tastes in blogs you visit I’m sure I’ll be back again soon.